Floralaan 4, 2643 HC Pijnacker

Make an appointment
You can always call us, but preferably in the morning, you will get José or Jessica on the phone.
She can schedule appointments and change them in the agendas of all physical therapists.
If you call for an appointment, we aim to treat you within 2 working days!

You will be charged for any missed appointment and not canceled 24 hours in advance.

www.defysiotherapeut.com | Meer informatie over Fysiotherapie in Nederland. |
www.nvmt.nl | Meer informatie over Manueletherapie in Nederland. |
www.nvfk.nl | Meer informatie over Kinderfysiotherapie. |
www.orthopedie.nl | Meer over aandoeningen aan het bewegingsaparaat. |
www.sensomotorische-integratie.nl | Meer informatie over Kinderfysiotherapie. |
www.dryneedling.nl | Meer informatie over Dry-needling |
www.keurmerkfysiotherapie.nl | Meer informatie over het Keurmerk Fysiotherapie |
www.claudicationet.nl | Meer informatie over de behandeling van etalagebenen |